PAPER. DMRN+19. Digital Music Research Network. Queen Mary University of London, UK. 17 December 2024.
DEMO. ORAM x NO BOUNDS festival. Sheffield, UK. 12 October 2024.
ORAM AWARDS. Winner 2024. London, UK. September 2024.
INSTALLATION. Manifold Exhibition. Goldsmiths, University of London (UK). 22 July 2024.
Sound and Music Computing conference, Porto (PT). 4 - 6 July 2024.
LIVE. Computing Pop UP Exhibition. Goldsmiths University of London (UK), 1 August 2023
IIL RESIDENCY. Intelligent Instruments Lab, Reykjavik (IS), 27 June - 5 July 2023.
REBUS_03. Electromagnetic Interactions STUDY. Goldsmiths University of London (UK), 15 May 2023
REBUS_02 ft MAE. Workshop + SOIREE. Goldsmiths University of London (UK), 21 April 2023
Sonic Immersive Research Phase. Goldsmiths University of London (UK), 19 - 30 April 2023
SIML. Electromagnetic Interactions Workshop + SOIREE. Goldsmiths University of London (UK), 21 April 2023
ECRF. Early Career Researcher Fund. Goldsmiths University of London (UK), 16 January - 31 July 2023
POLIMI. Music and Acoustic Engineering. Milan (IT), 13 January 2023
ICLI22. International Conference on Live Interfaces. Lisbon (PT), 20-23 June 2022
Guthman. Musical Instruments award. GeorgiaTech (USA), 5 November - 8 December 2021>
Smoltech. London (UK), 29 January 2022
Ableton LOOP.
Berlin (DE), 23-25 April 2020
NIME2020. Birmingham (UK), 21-25 June 2020
Nebularosa 02.
London (NET), 27 June 2020
[in-sight] +
IAA. London (NET), 1 May / 10 July 2020
ARTFUTURA. London (UK), 30 Nov 2019
NSMC Keynote. Nordic Sound and Music Computing, Stockholm (SE), 20 Nov 2019
Rebus is a digital compositional tool and interactive system which radically innovates the 100 years old Theremin technique, generating an electromagnetic field that forms an immaterial interface which can be manipulated by the movement of the hands and the body.
Rebus sparked from an idea by Eleonora Oreggia during a PhD in Media & Arts Technology funded by Queen Mary University of London and the EPSRC, with the collaboration and supervision of Clive Parini, Professor of Antenna Engineering. The [in-sight] online residency was made possible thanks to UKRI EPSRC IAA - EP/R511596/1 awarded to REBUS and IKLECTIK's ACE grant.